
Crikey! Enough Already...

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Well it seems like the Atlantic Basin is not alone in seeing an exceptional number of strong hurricanes over the past 12 months. It seems meteorologists in the land 'Down Under' have been kept busy during their cyclone season as well. January, March and April have been busy with Clare, Glenda, Larry and now Monica battering the north coast. Monica is being likened to that of Charley, Katrina and Rita. It is, as I write this a strong Category 4 storm with the same intensity of Katrina and Rita when they made landfall.

Here are some images of the storms history so far, the expected track and a cool satellite shot in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

The following are links to the other cyclones(hurricanes) that have struck so far this year. Some of the satellite shots are awesome. If you are like me and find weather and hurricanes interesting, you will find the following pages quite interesting. We tend to think quite provincial sometimes, but looking outside our side of the world, weather isn't all that dissimilar.