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Three ways to tame the 'Back to School' clutter chaos

Tara Lynn gets some tips from Hello Clutter owner Sarah Valeri for how to get her house organized.

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Tara Lynn
, WRAL contributor
RALEIGH, N.C. — Now that many families are back into the regular school routine, you may be finding it challenging to contain the chaos of book bags, shoes, lunch boxes and masks. I reached out to professional organizer, former middle school teacher, and the owner of Hello Clutter, Sarah Valeri to get her top tips on controlling the back-to-school clutter.

Set Up Routines

Valeri says most importantly, establish a routine for the kids.

“It may seem basic, but giving structure and routine for where kids’ ‘do' school in the home is huge! Whatever area your kids are doing their homework/school activities (whether that be in their own desk space or they’re using the kitchen table), set boundaries with them of where their schoolwork goes and where it doesn’t,” she explains.

“Teachers are teaching your student to put items back where they find them in the classroom, so the same goes with their supplies in the home. Some studies show doing work in bed disrupts your sleep schedule, so help them create boundaries for appropriate spaces to do their schoolwork and save yourself the sanity of finding art supplies in the bathroom.”

“At the end of the night before bed, set a timer for 15 minutes and have the kids put their supplies back where they belong and pack their backpack up so they’re ready to go in the morning!"

Tara Lynn gets some tips from Hello Clutter owner Sarah Valeri for how to get her house organized. (Tara Lynn & Co.)

Drop Zones

Now that my pre-schooler has to wear masks to school every day along with my second grader, establishing a place for them to put their masks and shoes when they walk in the door is crucial. Even my 22-month old knows to take his shoes off when we come inside. He doesn’t always put them in the bin in the closet, but we’re getting there.

Valeri says, "When setting up routines, it’s important for the kids (and you!) to have a place to set everything when you get home. Raise your hand if you are guilty of dropping everything on the kitchen table and then it stays there for a few days. We don’t want that!”

“Designate hooks or a basket near the door for clean/dirty masks to go, backpacks to live, and shoes/jackets to come off. Every family is different, but whatever items you typically are bringing in after each school day should have a location where the kids know to take it and it doesn’t become counter clutter!”

Tara Lynn gets some tips from Hello Clutter owner Sarah Valeri for how to get her house organized. (Tara Lynn & Co.)


Now to my favorite part! Storage containers, carts, and boxes! I’ve recently been on a kick finding great storage containers at Target, craft stores, and even some sturdy ones at the Dollar Store! Just check out these great before and after photos of how containers can transform an overwhelming clutter pile into organized eye candy. So satisfying!

One of Valeri’s go-to container options is a 3-Tier Rolling Cart!
"You can find them for $35 at Target (yay!), and they are great for keeping school gear in line,” she adds. “Pair with some inexpensive pencil cups on the top shelf to keep your categories organized and prevent it from becoming a free for all!”

“These are also great because they are portable. Have a spot in the kitchen where the kids do their work but don’t want school supplies to permanently live in the kitchen? Roll them away and pull out as needed! Prefer something more permanent? Go for a bookshelf! Set up bins for your school categories, and of course label for easy finding!”

I could have geeked out with Sarah for hours, but we tried to dial it down to less than 20 minutes for you in our video chat. Check it out for Valeri’s advice on how to get started organizing when it seems overwhelming and the one recent organizing tool I just bought.
Tara Lynn gets some tips from Hello Clutter owner Sarah Valeri for how to get her house organized. (Tara Lynn & Co.)
Tara Lynn is a former WRAL reporter and anchor. She lends her 15-plus years in journalism to tell visual stories through love-filled photography for families of all kinds. The mother of three little humans and one senior rescue dog believes in celebrating magic in the little things, the big loves, and the imperfect moments that make the most remarkable memories. Her vision is to help families celebrate and share their love through photography and curated album artwork that become timeless keepsakes connecting multiple generations...because moments often pass in the blink of an eye, and the photographs we take connect us to our memories and our great loves, forever.
You can find Tara Lynn on Instagram at @TaraLynn_andCo and TaraLynnAndCo.com. Learn more about her photography at TaraLynnAndCoPhoto.com.


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