
Tasty Town

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Have you seen Southern Living’s latest survey? The popular magazine is trying to find the tastiest town in the South. Raleigh was picked among ten Southern cities for outstanding cuisine. However, at last check Raleigh ranked 10th in the voting. Even Baltimore beats us. We only have a week to push Raleigh up in the poll. Can you believe the frontrunner – Lafayette, LA?

I am quite proud of Raleigh’s cuisine. We have made tremendous strides on the culinary front over the last ten to 15 years. Glenwood South and the rebirth of downtown Raleigh are two major factors. Cary has also come on strong along with Durham and Chapel Hill.

It’s interesting that Raleigh was the only North Carolina city to make the top ten tasty town list. I could possibly tolerate losing to Charleston but not to Lafayette, Louisville or Decatur. So, if you have pride in Raleigh’s restaurant scene please vote this week.

Here’s my question – what is your favorite restaurant and why? Let’s have a lively discussion.