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Julia Sims: Thankful for a little snow day magic

If you're a kid, last week was like hitting the lottery: three snow days in a row! Me? I thought for sure I'd end up feeling like tearing my hair out. Surprisingly, that wasn't the case!
Posted 2018-01-22T17:54:42+00:00 - Updated 2018-01-23T01:54:00+00:00

If you’re a kid, last week was like hitting the lottery: three snow days in a row! Me? I thought for sure I’d end up feeling like tearing my hair out. Surprisingly, that wasn’t the case!

Instead, I reveled in watching Will and his friends enjoy the unscheduled school break.

I’m one of those moms who throws out the rule book when it comes to snow days. Bed time gets pushed back. Meals aren’t always on time (or balanced). And screen time? Well, it is what is is.

Judge me if you want, but I think kids need to just let loose every now and then. And, as parents, we need to relax.

Will and his buddies floated from one house to another. There were pickup football games and epic snowball fights in the park. There were seemingly endless cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles. There were neighborhood dinner parties, last minute sleepovers and one too many Netflix movies!

My favorite part of the week: Hearing that back door open followed by all the laughter. That, right there, was what I call snow day magic.

Julia is the mom of one and a former reporter for WRAL-TV. Find her here most Tuesdays.
