Go Ask Mom

Julia Sims: Empty nest feeling ... in elementary school?

I guess I missed the memo. Who knew we'd have empty nest syndrome and our son isn't even out of elementary school yet?
Posted 2018-12-10T10:57:30+00:00 - Updated 2018-12-11T01:55:00+00:00

I guess I missed the memo. Who knew we’d have empty nest syndrome and our son isn’t even out of elementary school yet?

It doesn’t seem too terribly long ago that Will and I would spend our weekends playing tennis, miniature golf or what have you. These days, I’m lucky if I even see him! I’m exaggerating a bit, but that’s the way it feels.

We are lucky to live in a neighborhood filled with friends and classmates. That means the boys gallivant from one house to another. They jump on trampolines, play football and soccer in the yards, play basketball at the school and run wild in the park.

I know. I know. That’s the way things should be.

I’m thankful for his network of friends. I’m grateful he’s becoming responsible enough to get home at the time agreed upon. I’m overjoyed seeing the friendships, the camaraderie and the smile on his face at the end of the day.

Still, a part of me feels as if I’m being left behind. I suppose that’s pretty normal. It’s part of growing up.

That’s why I’m trying to intentionally set aside time for “us.” Whether it is playing tennis, taking in a (Wolfpack!) basketball game or just reading books together at bedtime.

It’s true - they really do grow up in the blink of an eye. But, by golly, I’m going to soak up every second I can before we really do have an empty nest.

Julia Sims is the mom of one and a former reporter for WRAL-TV. She regularly appears here on Go Ask Mom.
