
A Heart-Felt Thank You

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Sophie Suiter
Posted by Tom Suiter
I came home every night this past week like I normally do. I took the same route I always take home, but as I pulled into my garage and took the 15 steps up, I knew that things were different.

There would be no little kitty with a sturdy body, soft fur and bright, shining eyes waiting for me. Yes, as you can imagine after a little over a week, we are very much heartbroken at the loss of our gentle, sweet Sophie. But within the cracks in our heart, there is a feeling of gratitude and thanks.

On this very special day, during the most special time of the year, Julie and I would like to deeply thank all of you who gave your hearts and shared your stories and offered us love and compassion over the loss of our precious Sophie.

We have been stunned but so grateful by the outpouring of sympathy. It has meant more to me than you can imagine … more to me than anything in my 35 years of broadcasting.

I wrote my blog post a little over a week ago as therapy for myself, the need to tell a very painful story. I knew that those who love their animals as we love ours, would understand this heartache that we were going through then and would go through for a long while. I very much needed to feel a kinship, a closeness with others.

We have learned from so many -- more than I can count -- what the loss of their pet has meant to them, and we have been overwhelmed with how so many have offered us their kindness and compassion while sharing their own pain at losing their animal friends.

We have read every post, every e-mail and every card and letter multiple times. We have cried over many of those stories, but through those tears, came inspiration and comfort. I can't thank you enough for sharing and caring. I read the Rainbow Bridge now every night before bed. I do find great solace in that, and thanks to all of you who suggested that.

In my minds' eye, I still see our beautiful Sophie every day. I sit at my desk and she stares back at me from my computer screen. As I drove home from my mother's house on Christmas Eve, I still believed I would see her cross our kitchen floor and stop with head raised waiting to be petted and I know her bright, calming spirit is somewhere in our house. I search for it every day and some how I know that it is there. I can feel it.

We miss her so much and continue to mourn for her precious life wrongly cut short, but I hope a part of the pain that I now feel will last forever, because that will always mean her loving spirit will be in me. Somehow, I believe the tragic death of this shy, sweet-dispositioned kitty will make me a better person. That's what I believe. I want it to be so.

Sophie really was the most special of friends. As my young friend Anna says, Sophie had listening eyes. I thought that a wonderful description. She understood us, and we understood her. A gentle kitty who would never hurt anything, who loved to be held and whose trusting look always said I love you. I now know many who have felt these same things with their animals.

Animals give us so much and really want so little in return. With love, kindness and care they will be your best friends forever. What you give to them, they will return 10 times more. They love you for just who you are. They are peace and comfort in the crazy, hectic world in which we find ourselves.

So, thank you all, thank you so very, very much for your kindness. You have given to us encouragement and understanding and you have a made a difference in our lives.

At this time of peace, love and compassion, many of you have given this to us. Kindness is a powerful remedy.

Our heartfelt thanks.

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