State News

Looking at the Numbers and a Roundup

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The Department of Agriculture has posted the final numbers for the fair, which you can see at The final count was 795,930.

And no, that doesn't match the attendance of 2004 or 2003. That's because 2004 and 2003 were, respectively, the second and third highest attendance years of all time. 2005 ranks 4th.

Considering there was some pretty threatening weather on the 2nd weekend, and the ride inspections got off to such a bad start, that's not bad at all.

Even if you've visited the attendance page in earlier years, do it again. Someone has gone through the tables and bolded the record-highest individual days (what in the world was happening on Wednesday in 1990???) as well as created five-year, ten-year, and historical averages.

Roundup: Speaking of numbers, I'm pleased to report that the North Carolina Watermelon Association reached their 300-signature goal at the Fair. Within months you'll see watermelon license plates on the highway.