
I Am a River - Quiz Winners

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Thanks for your terrific response to the I Am a River quiz. We have some excellent writers and smart people following this blog. Scores of you answered the first two questions correctly. I threw all of the winning entries in a hat and picked out winners for Monday and Tuesday. Here are the results.

I am a river. I received my name from the Indian word meaning “people of the river banks."Who am I?

answer: Catawba
winner: Annette from Meadow

I am a river. I was named for the Indian word meaning “bad dust” or “much dust.” What is my name?

answer: Pungo
winner: John Klassa

Congratulations! Winners should send me their mailing addresses so I can ship them a copy of my new CD "I Am a River" which features the songs "Catawba" and "Pungo Gumbo." If you didn't win don't despair. We will have several more questions in coming days including a new one at the end of this blog today.

But first the literary awards! We will honor those with the most interesting river related comments or stories each day of the quiz. We've had some eloquent and emotional entries. If you didn't win keep trying. We love to hear from you.

Monday's winner is James Benton of Raleigh for his poignant account of seeing the sparkling waters of the French Broad River from a train as a child. Tuesday's winner is Jodi Freeze for her beautiful essay on the Neuse River. Great work! Keep the comments coming. You are welcome to resubmit your stories if they didn't win the first time around.

Okay, here is today's question:

I am a river. The Native Americans called me "The River of Death" because of my rampaging waters. I am no longer so wild and wicked. Who am I?

Email me your answer at Get it right and I'll put your name in the hat for a musical prize.