
First frost possible early Tuesday in Triangle

The first frost of the year is possible early Tuesday, with temperatures in Raleigh forecast to dip to 35 degrees by 6 a.m. before the sun rises for a clear but chilly Election Day.

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Current Temperatures, DMA
RALEIGH, N.C. — The first frost of the year is possible early Tuesday, with temperatures in Raleigh forecast to dip to 35 degrees by 6 a.m. before the sun rises for a clear but chilly Election Day.

"If you're heading out to vote in the morning, coats are required," said WRAL meteorologist Mike Maze. "During the afternoon, you can shed the coats. It's going to be mild."

A frost advisory issued for the western half of North Carolina early Tuesday includes the Triangle. Frost will be most likely between 3 and and 7 a.m., according to the National Weather Service, and cold-sensitive plants could be in danger.

"This here is not going to be a killing freeze. That may come Sunday," Maze said.

While the day will start off chilly, temperatures are expected to rise to near 70 degrees by mid-day.

The cold temperatures are a result of a high pressure system from the north pushing chilly air into the area over the next couple of days.

A cold front hitting the area Wednesday could come with some light rain. Tuesday and the later portion of the week should remain completely dry.


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