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Find a painted rock? Get a free Sassool meal

If you find a painted rock in Cary or Raleigh this month, it could get you a free meal at Sassool Mediterranean Cafe.

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Find a painted rock? Get a free Sassool meal
RALEIGH, N.C. — If you find a painted rock in Cary or Raleigh this month, it could get you a free meal at Sassool Mediterranean Cafe.
The distinctive promotion started Monday "to spread a little inspiration and lots of kindness," according to Sassool. The game is simple -- if you find a colorful rock during your everyday routine, post a photo of it to social media tagging #SassoolRocks and receive one meal at either Sassool location in Cary or Raleigh. Patrons are asked to return the rock that they find to a manager at Sassool in order to redeem their complimentary meal.

Where did the rocks come from?

Sassool employees and their families painted them during a Labor Day employee appreciation picnic at Raleigh’s Pullen Park before hiding them for the community to find. According to event planners, each rock is unique and represents the personality of the person who painted it.


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